Quality + Education = Our Blog
Let’s Talk About Self Injurious Behaviors
Dr. Jerry discusses a real challenge today - SIBS (self injurious behaviors)
Let’s Talk About…Methylation, Glutathione, and Vitamin B12
Dr. Jerry talks about Methylation issues.
Let’s Talk About…The Basics of Supplementation
Dr. Jerry goes over the basics of supplements.
Let’s Talk About…What’s Medically Wrong
Dr. Jerry talks about the very treatable medical issues that frequently effect children who have autism.
Let’s Talk About…Depression
Dr. Jerry talks about managing depression in the parents of children with autism.
Let’s Talk about Stools…
Dr. Jerry talks about some common problems with stools in children with autism.
Let’s Talk About….Gluten GF/CF Diet Part 2: The Gluten Factor
Dr. Jerry dives into the gluten free casein free diet! This week is all about gluten.
Lets Talk About…Dairy GF/CF Diet Part 1: The Dairy Factor
Dr. Jerry dives into the gluten free casein free diet! This week is all about dairy (AKA casein).
American Academy of Pediatrics is Gearing Up For War Against Autism!
The AAP gears up for War with Autism?
A Weekend With Josh
David, Dr. Jerry’s oldest son, shares his experience watching Josh for a weekend.